Visual Snow -While often mistaken for migraine, has a hallmark symptom of persistent black, white, coloured or even transparent dots or ‘static’ within the vision regardless of whether the eyes are open or closed. While it may be present from birth, it can occur at any age.

Visual Snow Syndrome is a newly defined neurological disorder and is thought to affect around two percent of the population. Including not just persistent visual static but additional visual or non-visual symptoms such as those listed below.

While some cases are benign, more severe cases can be debilitating – with some patients not being able to work or even leave their homes.

If you think you may have visual snow or visual snow syndrome it is important to visit an Optometrist with special interest in this area. You will require a comprehensive eye examination to ensure your eyes and visual system are healthy as there are other ocular health and general health conditions that may cause similar symptoms.

In some cases, visual snow may follow a triggering event; which is useful to know as this can help drive the direction of therapy. For instance, traumatic brain injury can sometimes lead to visual snow – even years later!

Once a diagnosis has been made, a neuro-optometrist may prescribe specialised coloured filters or speciality lenses to reduce your symptoms. There has also been great success with tailored visual therapy courses, which help to make your visual system more robust, reducing visual stress and sensitivity.